Saturday, February 14, 2015


RIP to these three beautiful young people.
I will keep them in my prayers.
I give their families my condolences. 

Just a couple days ago, a newlywed Muslim couple and the bride's sister were murdered by a Caucasian male apparently over a "parking dispute". 


Their wedding photos were due this week
but they'll never get to see them ... 

The couple Deah Shady Barakat (age 23) and Yusor Mohammad (age 21) actively helped those in need worldwide, and fought for equality among all races and religions. They committed no crimes, but they along with Yusor's younger sister Razan (age 19) were shot execution style by Craig Stephen Hicks. 

I thought he was known for like ..
brutally executing three young Muslims .. but what do I know?
Not only are people are trying to portray the Chapel Hill Shootings as an isolated incident, they’re already trying to defend Hicks’ character. His wife claimed he was an advocate for "equality", his college spokesman stated he was "an exemplary student" whilst his teacher claimed he was "bright, hard-working and kind". 

Imagine we’d be having a similar discussion or the claim that it was a parking related incident being taken seriously if the shooter was Muslim and the victims where white. 

We not only live in a world where Muslims are demonized but where those who cause them harm, whether it’s a lone shooting or military warfare, are defended both physically and verbally.

What’s infuriating about the murder of the three young people in North Carolina is not only their tragic deaths, but also the speed by which the motive of the shooter has been labeled a “parking dispute” by the authorities and the press, as if that explains anything and as if a hate crime or a political crime could not also have a catalyzing event. The question is not whether this was either a hate crime or parking rage. It can be both.” — Moustafa Bayoumi, "How the Chapel Hill Victims Deserve to be Mourned". 

"Relax it wasn’t about race or religion, it was over a parking spot....." 

Oh thank goodness for a minute there I thought there wasn’t a legitimate reason to murder three people... 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

I am afraid ... I am angry .. I can ...

I'm afraid of the future.
Immediately after I was born, my life was already planned for me by my parents: get a 4.0 GPA, graduate high school with honors, go to a good college and get a degree, et cetera. I'm 18 years old now and I don't even know what I'm doing with my life because I have no control whatsoever. Will I graduate in time? What is my major going to be? Will I be successful in life? 

I am angry about my future.
Since my whole future is already planned for me I basically can't do anything. I want to major in journalism but my parents say that is a failing degree and that I'd never get a good paying job. I have no freedom. People have told me that I should just move out and do what I want but it's not that easy. I've been dependent on my family my entire life and I personally blame them for making me this way. 

I can do something about this.
I am still young. There is still plenty of time to fix the present in order for me to have the future that I want. I can start anew and become independent. I can ignore what my family wants me to do and do what I want to do. I still have a chance.